About Us
Water Regs UK supports water companies in their role to supply safe, resilient water supplies in the UK. By promoting the Water Fittings Regulations and Byelaws1, we protect public health by helping to keep water safe in premises, so it is always safe to drink and never wasted.
We work closely with 30 water companies across the UK. Our work supports their targets to safeguard drinking water quality, reduce leakage, encourage water efficiency, support developers with new connections and deliver excellent customer service.
What does Water Regs UK do?
We are funded by water companies to:
Support the water industry. We facilitate water company collaboration to share industry learning, experience and risks and develop good practice between companies. We provide a focal point for communications with external stakeholders on the water fittings regulations.
Promote the water regulations. We act as the central hub to disseminate information about the regulations. Education and learning are key, so we deliver training, run an advice line and promote our work via publications, our website and the media. We engage with plumbers, consumers and employers, always encouraging people to take the right action.
Approve plumbers and contractors. We administer WIAPS – the Water Industry Approved Plumber Scheme, on behalf of 15 water supply companies in England and Wales. Members of WIAPS are also on the UK-wide plumber register WaterSafe, which is supported by all UK water companies and is administered by Water Regs UK. This is a trusted online register to help people find a plumber local to them who is suitably qualified and insured.
1Water Fittings Regulations’ refers to The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations1999, The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009 and The Water Supply (Water Fittings) (Scotland) Byelaws 2014