RPZ FAQs: Notification

What is notification and why do I have to notify?

Providing water undertakers with advanced notice of most types of proposed plumbing work is a legal obligation under the water fittings regulations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, byelaws in Scotland. If a non-domestic premises has a mains water supply, the plumbing work that can be undertaken on-site without notification is very limited and maybe even further restricted by the conditions of supply.

It is a requirement of the RPZ AIM that prior notice be given for the installation of all RPZ valves. Details of the proposed work/installation shall be sent to the relevant water undertaker no less than 10 working days before work is due to start. Installing or using RPZ valves without the required consent could result in enforcement action being taken by the water undertaker.

Potential users of RPZ valves should be aware a water undertaker’s consent will always be conditional upon installation, commissioning and compliance testing requirements.

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