Approved Contractor: FAQs
When do approved contractors have to notify in Northern Ireland?
For the purpose of the water fittings regulations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, byelaws in Scotland an approved contractor is a member of one of the following schemes.
- Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors (APHC)
- Anglian Water’s APLUS,
- Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE)
- Scottish and Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers’ Federation (SNIPEF)
- Severn Trent’s Watermark
- The Water Industry Approved Plumbers’ Scheme (WIAPS)
- Their scheme is recognised by Northern Ireland Water
- The proposed work is not a material change of use
- The scope of their membership covers the type of plumbing work undertaken
- They comply with their scheme terms and conditions
An approved contractor installing the items highlighted in the list below, may not have to provide Northern Ireland Water with advanced notification before starting work. However, on completion they will be required to send a certificate of compliance for the work to Northern Ireland Water as well as issuing one to their client.
Any questions please contact the Northern Ireland Water for advice.
Please note: notification exemptions for those approved contractors who are members of sector schemes is typically restricted to the alteration or extension of plumbing systems. For further information contact the scheme
Please note: due to both differences in notification requirements across the UK and variation in individual approved contractor schemes terms and conditions it is important to check whether advanced notification is required.

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