Regulation / Byelaw 3
England & Wales: Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (1999) (revised)
(1) No person shall–
(a) install a water fitting to convey or receive water supplied by a water undertaker or water supply licensee, or alter, disconnect or use such a water fitting; or
(b) cause or permit such a water fitting to be installed, altered, disconnected or used, in contravention of the following provisions of this Part.
(2) No water fitting shall be installed, connected, arranged or used in such a manner that it causes or is likely to cause–
(i) waste, misuse, undue consumption or contamination of water supplied by a water undertaker or water supply licensee; or
(ii) the erroneous measurement of water supplied by a water undertaker or water supply licensee.
(3) No water fitting shall be installed, connected, arranged or used which by reason of being damaged, worn or otherwise faulty, causes or is likely to cause–
(i) waste, misuse, undue consumption or contamination of water supplied by a water undertaker or water supply licensee; or
(ii )the erroneous measurement of water supplied by a water undertaker or water supply licensee.
Scotland: Water Supply (Water Fittings) (Scotland) Byelaws (2014)
(1) No person may—
(a) install a water fitting to convey or receive water supplied by Scottish Water, or alter, disconnect or use such a water fitting; or
(b) cause or permit such a water fitting to be installed, altered, disconnected or used, in contravention of these Byelaws.
(2) No water fitting may be installed, connected, arranged or used in such a manner that it causes or is likely to cause—
(a) waste, misuse,undue consumption or contamination of water supplied by Scottish Water; or
(b) the erroneous measurement of water supplied by Scottish Water.
(3) Nowaterfittingmaybeinstalled,connected,arrangedorusedwhichbyreason of being damaged, worn or otherwise faulty, causes or is likely to cause—
(a) waste, misuse, undue consumption or contamination of water supplied by Scottish Water; or
(b) the erroneous measurement of water supplied by Scottish Water.
Northern Ireland: The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009 (revised)
(1) No person shall—
(a) install a water fitting to convey or receive water supplied by a water undertaker, or alter, disconnect or use such a water fitting; or
(b) cause or permit such a water fitting to be installed, altered, disconnected or used, in contravention of the following provisions of this Part.
(2) No water fitting shall be installed, connected, arranged or used in such a manner that it causes or is likely to cause—
(a) waste, misuse, undue consumption or contamination of water supplied by a water undertaker; or
(b) the erroneous measurement of water supplied by a water undertaker.
(3) No water fitting shall be installed, connected, arranged or used which by reason of being damaged, worn or otherwise faulty, causes or is likely to cause—
(a) waste, misuse, undue consumption or contamination of water supplied by a water undertaker; or
(b) the erroneous measurement of water supplied by a water undertaker.
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